
Friday, July 30, 2010

How to disassembly Toshiba Portege M900 - Part 3

Remove WIFI card
a. Loosen 2 screws at WIFI cover
b. Remove WIFI Cover

c. Take note of how the WIFI antenna are placed. Ensure to place the WIFI antenna back to its original placement.
d. Remove the WIFI antenna from the connector using the WIFI jig

Do not unplug the antenna connector without using jig. The wire may break.

e. Remove 2pc x F3 . WIFI card will pop up by itself.
f. Remove WIFI card.

Continue to Part 4

Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3|| Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8 || Part 9 || Part 10 || Part 11

Thursday, July 29, 2010

How to disassembly Toshiba Portege M900 - Part 2

Remove RAM door and Memory module

a. Loosen 3 screws on RAM door
b. Remove RAM door
c. Remove memory module

Remove HDD
a. Remove 4 x F3 screws
b. Slide HDD out of SATA connector and lift upward

Continue to Part 3

Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3|| Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8 || Part 9 || Part 10 || Part 11

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How to disassembly Toshiba Portege M900 - Part 1

I'll try to explain steps of how to disassembly Toshiba Portege M900.

Please beware that you're agree that if you do the step(s) it will be "do it with your own risks". I (personally) don't take a responsibility for all damages caused.

On this Part 1 article, I'll show you the "chart" that shows which unit(s) you need to remove in advance when you replace one unit.

Toshiba Portege M900 Chart
How to see the chart:
This chart shows which unit(s) you need to remove in advance when you replace one unit.

When you want to replace the Function Board, you need to remove units in the boxes above the function board box first

How to remove Main Battery
Release battery lock, slide the latch and slide the battery out.
Steps to remove main battery

Continue to part 2

Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3|| Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8 || Part 9 || Part 10 || Part 11

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How to enable/disable Wifi in Toshiba Mini Notebook

For Toshiba Mini Notebook series (NB 200 and NB 300 series), there is no hardware switch for turn on or turn off the wifi. Basically you can enable or disable by pressing and hold Fn button with F8 button (look the WIFI symbol behind the F8 text). You will see on the screen the icon menu of the WIFI and Bluetooth. Just press and release the F8 button but keep press the Fn button to select the icon.


Monday, July 26, 2010

How to put your Yahoo Messenger status at Online Forum's post

Continuing about how to check Yahoo Messenger's status, now it a trick to put your YM's status at a posting in Online Forum.

Let say your YM's ID is: yourymid
So, you can put: [url=ymsgr:sendIM?yourymid][img][/img][/url]

You can change the t=10 into several variables, to show in different icons for your status

Here is the sample of OFFLine and ONLine status.


How to detect Yahoo Messenger status

Yahoo Messenger has a invisible status feature. With this feature, user can hide they online status to the other users. So the other users see your status is OFFLINE, even you're not.

But with one web application, called YDetector, now you cannot hide anymore. Just log in into then type the Yahoo! ID


Friday, July 23, 2010

How to get hard drive serial number with Powerbuilder

Here's the code and trick to get the hard drive informations in Powerbuilder, including hard drive serial number.

First, create the External Function called GetVolumeInformation, which taken from Kernel32.dll

FUNCTION long GetVolumeInformation & 
  (string lpRootPathName, REF string lpVolumeNameBuffer, &
   long nVolumeNameSize, & 
   REF long lpVolumeSerialNumber, REF long lpMaximumComponentLength, & 
   REF long lpFileSystemFlags, REF string lpFileSystemNameBuffer, & 
   long nFileSystemNameSize) & 
   LIBRARY "Kernel32.dll" ALIAS FOR "GetVolumeInformationA"

Create the Window Function called of_long2hex with al_number and ai_digit as parameters, and the function will returns string. al_number is long type and ai_digit is integer type. The function is for converting Long value to Hex Value.

Type the script below:

long ll_temp0, ll_temp1
char lc_ret

IF ai_digit > 0 THEN
    ll_temp0 = abs(al_number / (16 ^ (ai_digit - 1)))
    ll_temp1 = ll_temp0 * (16 ^ (ai_digit - 1))
    IF ll_temp0 > 9 THEN
        lc_ret = char(ll_temp0 + 55)
        lc_ret = char(ll_temp0 + 48)
    END IF
    RETURN lc_ret + of_long2hex(al_number - ll_temp1 , ai_digit - 1) 

Finally, create another Window Function called of_getserialnumber with strrootpath as parameter, and the function will returns string. I believe strrootpath is a string variable type. Beside the hard drive serial number, this function will return another variables, like Volume Name of the hard drive (ls_volbuffer) and File system name (ls_fsname) like FAT32 or NTFS.
Next, type this script below:

String ls_volbuffer, ls_fsname, sReturn
Long  ll_serial, ll_MaxCompLength, ll_FileSystemFlags, ll_rtn

ls_volbuffer = Space(255)
ls_fsname = Space(255)
ll_maxCompLength = 0
ll_FileSystemFlags = 0

ll_rtn = GetVolumeinformation(strrootpath , ls_volbuffer, 255, ll_serial, & 
                 ll_MaxCompLength, ll_FileSystemFlags , ls_fsname, 255)
sReturn = of_long2hex(abs(ll_serial),8)
return left(sReturn,4)+"-"+right(sReturn,4)

To use the script, just create a simple script like below

String ls_SN
ls_SN = of_getserialnumber("C:\")
MessageBox("Your Hard Drive SN",ls_SN) 

Adware vs Spyware vs Trojan vs Worm

This is a simple explanation:

Adware is a online advertisement, and have "no data steal" characteristic.
Spyware is same with Adware, with "data steal" characteristic
Trojan is stealth scripts but have no "reproduce themselves" capabilities.
Worm is like a trojan, with "reproduce themselves" capabilities. In other word in more vicious than trojan

How to remove ascending ring tone volume in Samsung C6625

My brother just bought Samsung C6626 aka Samsung Valencia. He just surprised and not comfortable with the ringtone, since for the first few seconds every calls, the C6625 will mute the volume and will be increase ascending then.

He asked me the way to change the volume, to back to "normal" version. In other word, the tone will be heard loudly instantly as well as the volume setting.

Here's the step to do that.
  • You need a Registry Editor for Windows Mobile. You can use PHM for free
  • Pointing to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control panel//sound categories/ring
  • Find attenuationcategory which has a "2" value as a default
  • Change the value to "1"

Thursday, July 22, 2010

How to recovery your toshiba notebook without recovery disk

For the newest model of Toshiba notebook which come with the OEM Operating System, it will come with no CD/DVD recovery. The recovery files of the Operating should be already in the harddrive. The harddrive has formated with 2 partitions.

If your notebook face the Operating System crash, and need to be re-format, just press the 0 (Zero) button during the starting of the notebook. It will brings you to the Recovery Menu. It can be done, as long as you didn't remove the second partition of your harddrive.

Remember, once you do the recovery process, it will be erase all the data(s) in your harddrive. Do the backup first !

What is Embedded SQL

Note: I'm the author of this article. I published 4 articles at a year ago, and some how I lost the log-in ID for the account :( So, I re-write the article in my new blog.

Embedded SQL is one of main feature in Powerbuilder. It's make possible to programmer to write the SQL Statement directly without declare in a variable.

Unlike the other programming language, In Powerbuilder you can write the SQL statement in script painter. It make more faster and more efficient for programmer, because the Powerbuilder compiler execute directly the statement and tell the programmer if they have a wrong SQL syntax.

The features supported when you use embedded SQL depend on the DBMS to which your application connects.

Since I've experiences in Ms. SQL Server for the database, I will show you an example with Ms. SQL Server SQL Statement. When you use the SQL Server database interface, you can embed the following types of SQL statements in scripts and user-defined functions:
  • Transaction management statements
  • Non-cursor statements
  • Cursor statements
  • Database stored procedures
See the picture for the example:


What is Datawindow?

Note: I'm the author of this article. I published 4 articles at a year ago, and some how I lost the log-in ID for the account :( So, I re-write the article in my new blog.

Datawindow Control is the heart of Powerbuilder. This is the control to communicate between the Database and the client user interface.

This is the BIGGEST different between Powerbuilder and the other programming languages. In Powerbuilder, programmers start to make application from the database into datawindow control, then visualize into the other controls (like Dropdown, Radio Button, etc), column per column. Later, you can setup the properties for each column, like display properties, validation properties, etc.

It's very contradiction with Visual Basic (VB) for example. In VB, we put the control (Dropdown for example) at the form, the we setup the properties, how to connect into the database, table and column name at the last.

Take a look the images below:

Datawindow Painter Toolbar

To create a new Datawindow control, choose the database source, then Presentation Style.

Setup what the Table(s) and column(s) you want to display. Also setup the data criteria(s) and "sort by" value(s).

Last, setup the properties for each column, such as display properties, format properties, validation properties, position, etc.

How to use NET SEND in Powerbuilder

Note: I'm the author of this article. I published 4 articles at a year ago, and some how I lost the log-in ID for the account :( So, I re-write the article in my new blog.

In Windows 2000 and XP, there is a command to send a message popup directly to other computers in network. Many of you, must know the command is NET SEND. In Vista, Microsoft remove this command.

Since I need this function in my office application, so in year 2003 I created a simple application to able user to send the message without type the command in DOS Command Prompt mode. I build this application with Sybase Powerbuilder version 6.5, and you can download here. Users don't need to open and close every time they want to use the application, since they able to minimize to tray icon when they click hide button. (See the smiley yellow icon in systray area, double click to open)

Since I made in my mother language, here's the translation of the menu / word:
Ka saha: Name of the computer (Must EXACT)
Nulis naon: Message
Leungitkeun tulisan: Delete the message after sent
Sok atuh: Send
Permios: Close
Keheula: Wait for sending...
Aya naon tuh, teu bisa euy: There's a problem during send the message
Teu bisa, kunaon nya: Cannot send the message
Enggeus tuh: Message Sent

One thing you must check, that the Messenger service must be started, to able the application send smoothly. To do this, Open Control Panel, the double click Administrative Tools Icon, the select Services. Make sure MESSENGER service is STARTED.

Application Name: U U Linan
Version: 2.0
PBL Name: REDAlert.PBL
PBL Version: 6.5

History of Powerbuilder

Note: I'm the author of this article. I published 4 articles at a year ago, and some how I lost the log-in ID for the account :( So, I re-write the article in my new blog.

Starting when the year marked 1991. A company named Powersoft, launched Powersoft Powerbuilder version 1.0, exactly in July 1991. A product (code name "Headstart") with totaly sold in $5.2 million in just six months.

Less than a year later, Powersoft Powerbuilder 2.0 was lauched with sales climbed to $22.1 million. Some of new features was introduced in version 2.0 including Picture button control, some events, and Embedded SQL for BLOB support.

In 1993, version 3 went released, with huge of new feature, including MAPI, rbuttonclicked event, and also Watcom SQL.

Year later, Powerbuilder 4.0 lauched with some new features and enhancements, including Data pipeline and OLE 2 support.

Powerbuilder version 5.0 was released in 1995 under Sybase, Inc umbrella ( Sybase introduced the new feature, call Powerbuilder Foundation Class (or PFC). PFC is a foundation class or "platform" to help developers easier in they work. Also Info Maker was first introduce in this version.

Early 1997, Powerbuilder reached version 6.0, following by 6.5 a year later. This is the most stable of Powerbuilder has ever made (at least for me who started as Powerbuilder programmer, since this version). Lot of enhancements and new features in this version, including Internet Tools (mid of 90's is starting time for Internet technology booming), and Multi Platform support (Windows & Unix),

March 1999, Powerbuilder 7.0 was lauch to replace earlier version. With a new GUIs, this version brings some new feature, like New OLE DB database interface and New in component development and deployment (Building Jaguar components, Building Jaguar clients, etc)

Ten years since the first version launch, Powerbuilder reach version 8.0. Introduce Workspace and Target methode in this version, Powerbuilder version 8.0 came with Powersite Tool fully integration as the new Web targets feature. This means that you can now use PowerBuilder to create Web applications in addition to client executable applications and EAServer components

2003, Powerbuilder version 9.0 was launched, following the minor variant 9.01 and 9.02. In this version, programmer can set the script to save data in PDF file format, save Datawindow data in XML format, and support for Microsoft Windows Server 2003.

Version 10.0 and 10.5 of Powerbuilder, release between 2005 and 2006. Brings the .NET technology for the first time called: Datawindow .NET (Windows form). There are 2 minor change before 10.5 released: 10.01 (support Windows XP SP2) and 10.2 with Ink controls for the Tablet PC as a new feature.
For version 10.5 itself there are some new feature like DataWindow TreeView Presentation Style, DataWindow Autosize Height on all DataWindow Bands, DateTime Picker Control, Rich Text Control, BYTE and 28 Digit Decimal Data Type Support, New Icons and Bitmaps, etc.

Powerbuilder became version 11.0 in 2008 following by 2 minors version: 11.1 and 11.2. First time introduce .NET technology for Web form, and able to build non visual object as .NET web service. Version 11.1 has added feature for Windows Vista support, where AJAX support added in version 11.2.

The next couple of month (Q3 of 2008), Sybase release Powerbuilder 11.5 which include RichText Edit style for DataWindow columns, 3D Graph styles, Tooltips for DataWindow columns and controls and PNG support, also support for Ms. SQL 2008.

Sybase has a planning to release Powerbuilder 12.0 somewhere in 2009. Some new features including .NET graphical control integration, Complete .NET interoperatbility and a new type of target: the WPF target, will be introduced in this version.

Network Printer Status is Unavailable

The error "Network Printer Status is Unavailable" usually happen when you install the "external" printer server which have more than 1 connectivity lines. For example, D-Link printer server is usually have USB and Parallel Port to connect to the printer.

When you setup the IP address to the printer server, for example, and connected to the printer via USB port, when user try to setup the printer via TCP/IP will get the error message that seem the printer is unconnected.

To solve this, do the steps below
  • View the Properties window of the printer
  • Click Ports tab
  • Select the port from the list, that connected to the printer
  • Click Configure Port button
  • Make sure the LPR option is selected (at the Protocol group area)
  • Fill the Queue Name (at LPR group area) with USB (if you use USB port), or LPT1 (if you use Parallel cable)
  • Click OK button
  • Try to print test page.